
sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

The Davinci Organization and its link to the strategic architecture.

The organizational architecture is a concept that brings together other as strategic architecture. The strategy, in accordance with Ansoff is, "the dialectic of the company with its environment - 1976".

Research by the Harvard Business Review, September, 2004, revealed that within standard working hours per year, on average, senior management spends only 15% of them to develop and approve the strategy. If we talk about family businesses in Argentina, both SMEs as this relationship could be even much lower, and in many cases, virtually nonexistent.

The strategic architecture then as a relevant part of organizational design must be monitored continuously, and in a Davinci organization, it is vital considering the following:

Paradoxically, when more successful a company is:

It spends less time discussing relevant issues.
There is little or no resistance to challenge assumptions and beliefs that determine the strategy and guidelines that begin to become obsolete.
They are more strongly rooted paradigms and / or mental models that managers tend to lead the company.
The process of corporate myopia generates greater difficulties to find new and effective responses to new challenges.

That is why throughout the various chapters, I have put much focus on the design concept. The strategic architecture is the combination of resources, processes, and people skills that allow us to develop the overall strategy and sector that have been defined by the company. This could not be achieved if it is not within the organizational design conceived in regards to time-consuming and staff affected such objectives.

To understand why we chose the name "Davinci Project" to title this text, you must know something of the life of Leonardo and his entrepreneurial thirst.

No one can doubt at this point that Leonardo was noted for being passionate about knowledge and research. He was an innovator on a wild desire to experience that led him to break the linearity.

Maybe it's "Vitruvian Man", the synthesis of his thought and application to organizations. In this work, he created a vision of man as center of the universe to be inscribed in a circle and a square.

Some sources explain that the square is the basis of all classical architecture, and use 90 degree angle and symmetry, are grecolatinas database architecture. It is said that within this anatomical study sought the proportionality of the human body, the classic or ideal canon of beauty, following studies of the Roman architect Vitruvius. This work represents the integrative approach of Leonardo and the place of humanity in the "global scheme of things." In its conception, the man was the model of the Universe.

A Davinci (OD) then organization rescues the essence of the human being and conceived within a comprehensive plan, whatever the object of exploitation. Intellectual capital is important, as well as the totalizing concept of the word "entrepreneur". This means that everyone is full of concerns, which may be express or his grave if he does not find contexts can act as catalysts and generators. Organizations, where people spend most of their time, are the right choice for this.
A company thus is able to make a quantum leap, to learn, to create a university atmosphere, one of the key factors for retaining talent.

OD is complex, therefore, it must be built from his plans carefully, keeping in mind that leadership is central role in design thinking. Devise it would be impossible without a systemic approach where (a brick, a table, wall paint, furniture, etc.) all tangible and intangible concept conspire to generate synergy and regenerative value.

.... "The parts tends to join his all to flee their imperfection ... .."
L. Davinci - Aphorisms.

In an OD:

Care should be taken communication, message, plurality and access to information, the criterion for measuring performance and qualify and ways to address the problems.

The "error" is input for learning and the word "split" it yields to "multiply". The conflict is addressed from the beginning, not from the standpoint of personal convenience.

Creativity and innovation are the input to skip the turning point that unites the maturity period of declining business.

The results are not products of their search, but the search for the ideal architecture that can foster the kind of process that builds them.

As we have seen every organization goes through different stages and is an investment project in itself. Likewise, every person within the organization is a project.

Every project starts with an idea or concern, but so is developed and becomes a company Davinci must take the quantum leap, to be able to recreate to immortality as in the case of many companies that have transcended their industry first, then his nation to finally become world heritage. Whatever its purpose, transcendence is only possible as long as this process of constant innovation can be sustained from conception itself (values, leadership, transcendent goals, strong cultural patterns, etc.)

At this point we dare say that some companies decides to work in a series of  process' conversions that come from the hand of a certain type of restructuring that give them a good level of oxygen for a new period of its life, but here we are not talking about a break point or disruptive modifications. These are some changes in the old paradigms. This, in no way resembles a Davinci project.
This type of restructuring are: turnover, downsizing, introduction of new products, injection of capital, changes in the cost structure, etc.

In a Davinci Organization:

  • Each individual is aware of its potential.
  • He knows that is a cornerstone of a major project.
  • The individual feels pride and admiration for him.
  • It feels totally committed and involved with him.
  • You know that the benefits will be shared and operate as a virtuous circle.

An organization is not only the description of a few policies, but rather a compendium of complex, dynamic, and interrelated issues. Biologists say that when a living system has detected a change in its context, this can be perceived as a threat-aggression, or as a stimulus, then the same can choose between two attitudes: conservation in relation to the preservation of their identity, integrity, organization and structures; or change. From this observation plane, we have roughly two major groups, the "adaptive" and "generative". The first antibodies are created to adapt to changes that generate markets and activities.

Every living organism must be able to detect early, modifications or attacks of its ecosystem to evolve, and even to anticipate. This is the case of OD or "generative", whose advantage - distinctive skill lies in creating permanently new conditions for the rest suits them.
Throughout the chapters that this book, we have seen that consciously or unconsciously, we are capable to generate companies of providing much suffering and anguish, as passion and joy. As we mentioned early, they all work because, as biologists say, develop the skills that allow them to stay afloat.

Throughout the chapters that this book, we proved our capacity to generate companies that provide as much suffering and anguish as passion and joy in consciously or unconsciously way. As we mentioned early, all companies can work because, as biologists say, companies develops the skills that allow them to stay afloat.

Each entrepreneur is a seed that must be cared for, and each organization is like a tree, together form a forest, generated sap, we provide the vital substance to life. As we have seen, man learned to live and generate ideas and talent within them. Countries like organizations, projects need to go beyond a purely ideological aspect. We all need a project that we fall in love, and that is strong enough to leave differences aside for the common good, we all need a "shared vision".

A Davinci organization is a networking team where creativity and innovation is its cultural heritage. In it, people have the ability to evolve.  OD is formed from the strategic planes, made by the dreams of its members, which remain "involved" in them. Concepts such as social responsibility and healthy management are integrated through the strategy and put into practice through leadership. Crises are presented as opportunities for reflection and change, which is considered a permanent move evolution.

In an OD each component is specially chosen by responsible methods because of the flexible "design" of HR policies as well as other sensitive areas of the company, it is vital to obtain their immortality or sustainability, which depends on their preparation for the quantum leap in decline stage - conversion of the business. In an OD, every resource, human, economic, financial, technological, etc., has a purpose beyond its usual functionality.
In an OD, scarcity it is replaced with ingenuity and creative tension.

A Davinci organization (OD) is a management realization that anticipates the future and it ends up being defined as a "classic". It is the creation of creation.

These paragraphs are a fragment of the text, Sustainable Organizations, from idea to design, series Da Vinci project, editorial Buyatti, Argentina. I hope you enjoyed it and will serve as a basis for designing your organization.

Lic. Claudio M. Pizzi

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